So I made this list for my two friends, Leah and Labum, who are coming to visit me! But I thought I would also share it with everyone!
Things to know before you come to France:
1. Make sure to smile and say "Bonjour" to everyone, especially when you first enter into a restaurant or shop and "Merci, Ovouh" when you leave. If you don't, people will look at you like you're rude.
2. The tap water here gets boiling HOT! It's either hot or cold, there's not really an in between!
3. Often no toilet seats in public bathrooms. One time there wasn't even a toilet! Just a hole in the ground.
4. There are no coffee shops! If you're looking for coffee go to a bar. Coffee shops and bars are combined into one. Oh and the gas stations have coffee and tea vending machines! So cool.
5. There are roundabouts everywhere. (I get honked at everyday for not driving in the proper lane while going around them)
6. Someone flashing their lights at you means they're giving you the finger or saying get out of the left lane your driving slow. (if the tailgating isn't enough of a clue!)
7. People respect the left lane on the highway!! Definitely for passing only!
8. People drink wine likes it water....breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
9. I'm assuming because people drink wine for lunch they need a 4 hr nap in the middle of the day when it seems like NOTHING is open.
10. Keys to getting pulled over: say you're a foreigner, say you don't have passport or paperwork, talk really fast until they get overwhelmed and just let you go because they don't understand you.
11. Police will try and get Euros out of foreigners if they can't write you a ticket. DON'T GIVE THEM MONEY!
12. Restaurants don't open for dinner until 7pm. Pack a snack.
13. They've def never heard of the dollar menu at McDonald's. 10 Euros for a meal!!!
14. If you ask for well done at a restaurant it comes back medium rare.
15. People smoke cigarettes more than they breathe oxygen.
16. If you walk into our gym give EVERYONE you see a high five and say hi...or they'll look at you in disbelief.
17. There are no screens on the windows.
18. The salads at restaurants consist of leaves on a plate with some tomatoes. If you're lucky you'll get shredded carrots with it.
19. When you order a glass of wine they give you a bottle
20. People take pride in their language here...don't assume they know english and if you attempt any kind of French they will love you for it!
21. You have to buy your own grocery bags at grocery stores.
22. Have a euro on you if you want a shopping cart (you get the euro back when your done...who steals shopping carts?! uhhh hope....? haha)
23. People eat sugary pastries, french bread, and coissants for breakfast ......with nutella.
24. Watch where you poo everywhere.
25. All the roads are narrow and a small car is nice for parking purposes.
26. There are no drinking fountains. (even in gyms)
27. You have to ask for ice with your water and butter with your bread before a meal
28. They get fancy! Men are metrosexual and even babies have better style than me.
29. People here STARE. So awkward (do i look away? stare back? wave? uhhhh)
30. Kisses on the cheek is equivalent to a hug.
31. If you travel through paris by train give yourself time to figure out the train system
32. If you talk loud (like normal americans) you will get looks like you're rude haha
Goodness the list could go on and on but I covered what I could think of off the top of my head!! There may be a part two coming your way eventually!
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